Saturday, August 26, 2017

How to change google account associated to blogger?

Here's how you can transfer the account.

First, log in to with old Google account.
  1. Click Settings 
  2. Click Basic > Permissions > Blog Authors > Add authors
  3. Enter the new email address as an author and Click Invite Authors.
  4. Logout from your old Google account.
Now open the browser in incognito mode.
  1. Login to Gmail using your new Google account and accept the invitation for the author.
  2. Logout completely from all of your Google account
  3. Log in again to using old Google Account.
  4. Go to Setting > Basic > Permissions > Blog Authors > select Admin next to the name of the author.
  5. Log out from
Then login again to using your new Google account.
  1. Go to Setting > Basic > Permissions > Blog Authors.
  2. Click on X symbol next to the old email address to remove.

Friday, August 25, 2017

How do I change the background color of the comment box in Blogger?

You can change the background color of the comment box by:

1. Goto to select the color and copy the color code behind the # symbol.
2. Log in the
3. Click Theme->Customize->Advanced->Add CSS (scroll down on 2nd column)->add the code below to the Add custom CSS box. (remember to replace colorcode with the code you copy in#1 above.)

#comment-editor { 
background: #colorcode

4. Click Apply to blog.